Voters in West Virginia, especially Hispanics, overwhelmingly side with their Democrat Senator Joe Manchin in opposing Democrats’ “Build Back Better” legislation – and they’re especially opposed to its provision granting amnesty and work permits to eight million more illegal immigrants, a new Rasmussen-Numbers USA survey finds.
In a survey of 1,077 West Virginia likely voters, conducted November 16 and 17, Rasmussen asked:
“In general, do you support or oppose the Build Back Better legislation?”
By a two-to-one margin, voters oppose (55%), rather than support (28%) the plan. Another 17% aren’t sure.
The opposition is even greater among Hispanic voters in the state, by more than a three-to-one margin (71%-20%). Black (59%) and other non-white (71%) voters are also against “Build Back Better.”
And, when asked specifically about a provision granting “10-year amnesty for illegal immigrants in the Build Back Better Bill,” voters’ opposition is higher still.