Fifty-three percent of Americans agree that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is responsible for fentanyl drug overdoses in the United States.
According to the National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM), in 2000 only 13% of overdoses involved synthetic opioids. In 2020, 83% of overdoses involved synthetic opioids. This is a 70% increase.
The results reveal a potential wedge issue that could drive voters away from candidates who oppose acting against the CCP for its role in fentanyl drug trafficking to avoid escalating tensions with China.
Click on the image below to read the full report… or read the summary below.
Fentanyl Deaths Are a Major Concern
- 90% of Americans agree that fentanyl drug overdoses are a problem in the U.S.
- 62% of Americans say it is a crisis, including 66% of Republicans, 60% of Democrats, and 57% of swing voters.
- 91% of New Majority and 87% of Left Minority voters agree that fentanyl drug overdoses are a problem in the U.S.
Chinese Communist Party Involvement
- 53% of Americans agree that the CCP is at least somewhat responsible for fentanyl drug overdoses in the U.S., including 65% of Republicans, 44% of Democrats, and 53% of swing voters.
- Gen Z voters are the least likely to believe the CCP is responsible, with 27% disagreeing and 29% agreeing.
- 57% of New Majority voters and 43% of Left Minority voters agree that the CCP is at least somewhat responsible for fentanyl drug overdoses in the U.S.
An Act of War
- 55% of Americans agree that if the CCP was directly subsidizing and profiting from fentanyl drug trafficking in the United States, this would be an act of war. This includes 64% of Republicans, 49% of Democrats, and 55% of swing voters.
- Left Minority and Gen Z voters are the most likely to disagree, with 37% of both groups claiming this would not be an act of war.
- 2-in-3 New Majority voters agree.
Voting Implications
- In a hypothetical matchup, 46% of Americans would vote for a Republican candidate who believes the CCP’s support of fentanyl drug trafficking in the United States is an act of war and supports imposing severe diplomatic and economic sanctions on China, such as kicking out Chinese students from American research universities and tariffs on all imported Chinese products. Only 31% would vote for a hypothetical Democratic candidate opposing this policy.
- Compared to the generic ballot, the Republican gains 1 point and the Democrat loses 12 points. These results suggest that acting against China is a potential wedge issue.