Americans don’t believe social media company claims that they are neutral platforms.
According to a Scott Rasmussen survey, 55 percent of voters believe that large social media companies tip the scales in favor of content they approve of and against content expressing different views. Just 33 percent think social media companies provide neutral platforms for everyone.
The survey also found that 51 percent have been notified by a social media platform that some of the content they’re viewing may not be reliable.
When asked, “do large social media companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter provide a neutral platform for everyone to use? Or do they give a preference to the content they approve of and penalize content expressing different views?” Thirty-two percent say the platforms provide a neutral place for everyone, 55 percent give a preference to the content they approve of and penalize content expressing different views, and 13 percent are unsure.
On the other hand, when asked, “When viewing content on social media, have you ever been notified by your social media platform that the content provides information that may not be reliable?” Fifty-one percent said “yes,” 37 percent said “no” and 12 percent were unsure.
These results show most Americans understand that bias influences what they see and hear on social media.