Once it’s defined, most oppose gender ideology.
A plurality of Americans (42%) have no opinion or have never heard of gender ideology.
- Republicans are the only group who have a majority with an opinion (62% unfavorable).
WHY IT MATTERS –While the embrace of gender ideology by our major institutions is an issue of intense conversation amongst right-leaning voters, the rest of America is not as engaged.
- Candidates and activists who want to build a majority coalition must be careful not to talk past their audience.
HOW TO USE THIS DATA – The report offers language for defining gender ideology and an example of how to build a large majority opposed to its overreach.
- This report builds on our earlier research on gender ideology in schools and the military.
Click on the image below to read the full report, including charts with demographic breakdowns…or read the summary below.

A plurality of Americans (42%) have never heard of gender ideology or have no opinion.
- This is particularly true among those voters in America’s New Majority who are undecided on the generic ballot (59%) and leaning Democrat but are persuadable (58%).
- Among all voters, more have an unfavorable opinion than have a favorable opinion of gender ideology (39%-19%).
- Republicans are the only group who have a majority with an opinion (62% unfavorable).
- Gen Z (31%) and Democrats (30%) have the highest portion of voters with a favorable opinion of gender ideology.
Once defined, 53% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of gender ideology, compared to 30% with a positive opinion.
- The largest negative shift in net favorability once gender ideology is defined occurs with Republicans (-15%) and Asians (-8%).
- The largest positive shift in opinion toward gender ideology once it is defined occurs with the Left Minority (+21%), Gen Z (+18%), and Democrats (+13%).
- The shift in net favorability is larger among America’s New Majority (-11%) than among all voters (-3%).
- Key target groups of voters in America’s New Majority had a negative shift in opinion, including those who are undecided on the generic ballot (-7%) and those leaning Democrat but are persuadable (-4%).
Like the issue of abortion, there is much stronger opposition to using taxpayer dollars to promote gender ideology in government agencies than there is negative opinion about gender ideology itself.
- 64% oppose using federal tax dollars to promote gender ideology.
- This includes majorities of Independents (68%), Swing Voters (68%), Asians (64%), Hispanics (60%), and Millennials (55%).
- Only Democrats have a plurality in favor (41%).
- 75% of voters in America’s New Majority oppose using taxpayer dollars to promote gender ideology in government agencies – larger than among all voters (64%).
- This includes majorities among voters in America’s New Majority who are undecided on the generic ballot (56%) or leaning Democrat but are persuadable (59%).
Even stronger opposition to using taxpayer dollars to promote gender ideology in foreign countries.
- 69% oppose federal tax dollars being used to promote gender ideology in foreign countries.
- This includes majorities of Independents (73%) and Swing Voters (73%).
- Only Gen Z narrowly favors (43-40%).
- 79% of voters in America’s New Majority oppose federal tax dollars being used to promote gender ideology in foreign countries.
- This includes majorities among the key target groups in America’s New Majority – those who on the generic ballot are undecided (60%) or leaning Democrat but are persuadable (71%).