3-in-4 Americans Support Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients  

76% of Americans support a law requiring single adults on welfare who are suspected of being addicted to illegal drugs to undergo screening and agree to treatment continue receiving benefits.  


The results show broad public support for a law like the one San Fransisco voters approved in March 2024.  


  • 76% of Americans support a law requiring single adults on welfare who are suspected of being addicted to illegal drugs to undergo screening and agree to treatment to continue receiving benefits.  
  • This includes 84% of Republicans, 69% of Democrats, and 75% of independents. 
  • There is a noticeable age divide. 84% of Baby Boomer voters support the law compared to 66% of Gen Z. 
  • There are minimal gender divides. 77% of men and 75% of women support such a law. 
