Exploring the Concept of “Equal Opportunity Capitalism”
Poll results suggest “equal opportunity capitalism” could be a broad, inclusive platform upon which to build a positive governing agenda.
Poll results suggest “equal opportunity capitalism” could be a broad, inclusive platform upon which to build a positive governing agenda.
Testing of 24 critical issue positions with specific language based on previously poll and focus group research reveals a 62% New American Majority that could be captured by the Republican Party, with an additional 13% persuadable to vote for Republicans. This would make 75% of the American electorate available to a New American Majority Coalition.
New poll shows widespread exhaustion and frustration with the pandemic and the federal bureaucracy’s response to it among Americans.
Polling finds that students see speech rights as important, yet increasingly less secure, particularly for Republicans and Independents.
About two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say that “people being too easily offended” is a major problem in the country today.
Historically, roughly 30% of Hispanics vote Republican in presidential elections, a number that increased slightly in 2020, surprising many.
Newt Gingrich, makes a surprise phone call to join Clay and Buck to discuss the media covering up the Waukesha Christmas parade attack.
Americans are nearly evenly divided on whether they would have Fauci or Rogan over for Thanksgiving dinner.